Tuesday 27 January 2015

The joys of house cleaning

Oh wow, it has been forever since I blogged but hey there is no better time than the present....

That's how I felt last night when I went to brush my teeth so with tooth brush in one hand and sponge in the other, lucky I can multi task and that I'm amidexturois, I set about cleaning the bathroom whilst I brush my teeth.

Then this morning when I went down to do my usual morning routine I noticed that the once cream carpet in the lounge is looking a bit darker and it had nothing to do with the lights still being off. Now if there is one thing I dislike doing it's ironing and next would be cleaning carpets so I decided to find an easy way out. 

I asked my husband to clean it but with no luck, I wouldn't dare ask the kids they would just look at me with that usual pre-teen blank stare so those "easy way out's" wont be working for me. 

So my absolute FAVOURITE site is Pinterest (if you don't already "pin" please go check it out https://www.pinterest.com/ ) Ok so I found something that has a little bit of preparation but not much effort...my kinda cleaning.

If you need to clean the carpet and want to do it with minimal effort have a look here 

Homemade Dry Carpet Cleaner For Fresh and Clean Rugs

I'm going to try it on Saturday night after my daughters birthday party, pointless doing it before. I'll let you know how it worked for me.

If you have any carpet cleaning tips for me please feel free to comment below.

Mom of Moms 'n Pops

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